Sunday, January 25, 2009

Comparitive Literature

Everyone has that friend that has to summarize the meaning, master narratives, and subtitles of plot in every movie you watch.

"Bro, did you notice the reverse Oedipal narrative in Jumper? It was totally the mom's duty to kill her son, but she didn't want to so she fled."

"Dude, these Penguins are totally crossing Joseph Campbell's "first threshold" right now. This scene is totally speaking to society's collective unconscious."

Today, I'm officially dubbing you, analytical friend, CLIT101. We realize you had an inspiring and intriguing junior-year English teacher. We know you got a B+ in Comparitive Literature 101. We appreciate your intentions when you tell us how relevant The Life Aquatic is because of its underying themes and archetypal characters. Please stop. If you try and explain why you could "totally write an awesome essay" on one more Samuel L. Jackson movie, society's unconscious will force me to kick you in the teeth. Your parents paid a lot for those braces, and we wouldn't want some of the angrier archetypes presnet in society to mess all that up.

That is all.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Thats my son

I had one of those moments today when I was a bit impressed at how low I've let myself get.

I got out of my afternoon class and wanted nothing more than to grub, grab a nap, and let my brain rest up a bit before hitting the library later. The walk home is about ten minutes, so I decided to call my mom and see how the homestead was holding up. She starts telling me some story about some lady she met who knows someone who goes to my school, and how when he was a kid he accidentally put a golf club into the face of some girl I dated and how her new hairdresser was in the same sorority as my sister, and whatever other gossip she could vomit into her blackberry. She was in the middle of a sentence about the sudoku she did that morning when I stopped her. I looked down at what I pulled out of the microwave and stared embrassed/disgusted/terrified/amused at my lunch.

"Okay Mom I'm sorry but this is ridiculous. I was kinda on autopilot while you were talking, and I just pulled something really embrassing from the microwave. I have 2 slices of Hawiian pizza with a huge bite out of them. There's little dimples where the pineapple pieces used to be, and the slices are resting on a ripped up side of a miller high life beer box."

Thats my son

Hella College